Youth, Children & Families

Safe guarding policy

We take safeguarding of children, vulnerable adults and everyone very seriously, please click on the link to view our policy and numbers you can call should you have any concerns or are in trouble yourself

Friday after school Youth Club for School years 7 - 9 (Aged 11-14) 15:30 - 17:

Come and chill at the new youth club after the end of a busy week with tuck shop, arts and crafts, games, pool, table tennis, Xbox, PS4, table football and a short time at the end to think about life and to look at the life of the big man, Jesus! Throughout the year there will be opportunities for day trips, weekend away, camps such as football, dance and other things! There is a charge of just £1 per week and the money is saved up to invest back into the youth club in different ways, For more info speak to our youth worker Matt Look out for us on a Wednesday afternoon though with a footie after school, come and join us!

St Mary's and St James Toddler group Wednesday 9am- 10:45

St James' Toddler group is a fun, friendly, inclusive group for 0-4 year olds. We aim to provide friendship & support in the community, making time for conversations and engaging in playing with the children. We meet weekly in the Church from 9am-10.45am.* Every week we put out a varied selection of toys including a ‘Home Corner', train track, cars, ride on toys, playdoh etc . We have a separate area for babies and sit all the children down for snack time when we offer toast, cheese, and fruit. And of course there’s tea, coffee and home made cake for the carers! We end each session with singing and then getting out the parachute. We would love you to join us!

Baptism's / Weddings / and Funerals

If you are wanting to get your child baptised, or want to know about Weddings or Funerals in the church please do contact us at:

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