St Mary's and St James Leadership team

Rev Rob Smith - Vicar 

Hi, I enjoy sports especially football, cricket and golf. I also enjoy comedy, music, beer and hanging out with friends and my family. I'm married with 2 daughters. My religion is my football team Man Utd but my faith is 100% in Jesus Christ and doing my best to live and serve him. 


Rev Margaret Stayinngs -

Hi I help lead services and do a lot of pastoral work around the community


 Matt Smith - Youth and Community Worker

Hi, I love playing and watching football and basketball and I support Manchester City. I also enjoy watching a good film at the cinema, making lego models and hanging out with friends. I really want children and young people to know how valued they are and how knowing Jesus can make an impact in their life!



Jason Parker -

Hi I'm the treasurer for St James amoungst other things for the church and I enjoy playing Golf and Gardening 


Julia Parker -

Hi, I  co lead the mid week toddler group and am the Safeguarding officer for the church as well as other things 



Hi, I co lead the mid week toddler group, sunday morning kids club and other things within the life of the church

Tony Warren,

Hi I'm the Treasurer for St Mary's as well as serving in other ways too, I'm a big Rugby and Cricket fan


 Geoff Haynes,

Hi I'm a Lockleaze lad and I help run the foodbank and the welcome team at our church, I enjoy rugby, fishing and boats. I love Cornwall although Rob tells me Devon is better


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